Friday 4 December 2009

Help getting pregnant and avoiding infertility or IVF.

If you're looking for help getting pregnant then there are several things you can do to increase the chances of conception, all of which are natural methods. Many woman believe they may have fertility problems when it simply isn't the case.

It is not hard to understand why many women struggle as over the years most will have done their up most to keep themselves away from getting pregnant. Doing this will have effected the bodies fertility, but don't worry there are ways of giving it a boost.

As soon as you decide to try for a child try to take up a healthier lifestyle. Studies have shown that women who are either underweight or overweight have a lower chance of conceiving and having a good pregnancy than a healthy one.

Try to eat a well balanced diet which includes plenty of fruit, vegetables and whole grain foods as these contain many vitamins and minerals that are essential for increasing the chances of conception. Folic acid is also important so try to drink plenty of orange juice or take a supplement you can get from the chemists.

Some will advise you to have sex frequently but this doesn't actually help as there is only one small window each month during your period where you can become pregnant. This is during the ovulation stage of your cycle, if you have a regular cycle you can calculate this as about 14 days before your next cycle begins or you can purchase ovulation prediction kits for further aid... Also having sex too often is bad for the males fertility as it will lower sperm count.

When you do have sex try to do so in positions where the sperm will stay in the vagina and enter near the cervix (such as the missionary). Don't jump up immediately after sex as this will result in a loss of sperm and therefore a lower chance of getting pregnant.

Don't allow sex to become a routine just for the purpose of getting pregnant as this will cause your motivation and enjoyment to drop which can also lead to stress and this is terrible for your fertility rate.

Finally in regards to sex don't use lubricants such as KY-jelly as this is whats known as a sperm killer. This is because it damages your vaginal mucus and this effects the chances of the sperm surviving.

Things to avoid include drugs, alcohol and caffeine as well as smoking. I'd also recommend reading a good fertility book offering you help getting pregnant and trying to follow the advice they give as one of these could save you thousands on fertility treatment and for a fraction of the cost.

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